Vogue Italia Calling African Fashion Entrepreneurs
Nov 25, 2014
Vogue Talents, International Business Consortium Nigeria, Ecowas Fashion week, and Africa International fashion week in partnership with Studio 24 presents: "Scouting for Africa," a project sponsored by Access Bank PLC Nigeria and Baileys.
This project is aimed at emerging womenswear, menswear, or accessories designers of African nationality or designers of any nationality but based in Africa.
The profiles of the best designers will appear in Vogue Italia in 2015.
One of the selected designers will present their garments and accessories within the marvelous setting of Palazzo Morando in Milan - a showcase of international scouting, September 2015. During this special event, the chosen designers will be able to show their collections to journalists, buyers, and designers. The designers picked will feature at Africa International fashion week coming up on the 2nd to the 6th of December, 2015 at the new Grand Ball Hall Lekki in Lagos, Nigeria, with an award night by Baileys targeting women who have made their mark in the African fashion industry.
DEADLINE: December 5, 2014
Email: scoutingforafrica {at} condenast.it
The complete pictures of your last 2 collections, a résumé, and the following information:
Designer name:
Brand name:
Where do you live:
Where do you produce:
When was the brand created:
Contacts: email address - phone (landline/mobile):
An essential and binding prerequisite: participants must be of African nationality or their brand be based in Africa.
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