The AWP Network partners with SIPA’s Pan African-Network (SPAN)
Nov 04, 2013
Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) presents the 7th Annual African Diplomatic Forum (ADF) to be held at SIPA on Friday, November 22nd, 2013 from 9:00AM to 6:00PM.
Organized by SIPA’s Pan African-Network (SPAN), this year's conference is themed The New Frontier of African Leadership.
A new generation of leaders in Africa are grappling with a number of challenges, old and new, across the continent. In the public sector, good governance paradigms are shifting and democratic processes are taking hold, yet problems of electoral corruption and public mistrust remain. In the private sector, foreign direct investment and liberal economic reform are on the rise at the same time that resource exploitation and the merits of local versus foreign market control are debated. Leaders in the non-profit and social welfare sectors must grapple with the changing role of foreign aid, emerging micro-finance and social enterprises, and the capacity of local organizations to combat poverty, health, hunger and education related problems. New media and technology are changing the way millions of Africans communicate and connect with one another on a slew of social and economic issues.
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