Emerging Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur who has been in their present business for a maximum of 5 years and with a turnover not exceeding R5 million on the date the entry form is received by the steering committee.Small Business Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur who runs a business, irrespective of length of time during which it has been active, with a turnover of between R5 million and R20 million in the tax year immediately preceding the date of entering the competition.Medium Business Entrepreneur
An entrepreneur who runs a business, irrespective of the length of time during which it has been active, with a turnover of R20 million or more in the tax year immediately preceding the date of entering the competition. Controlling owner must be stated.Job Creator of the Year
An entrepreneur who not only employs a significant number of employees, but also plays a key role in uplifting, up-skilling and training them. They help towards making a dent in the unemployment rate of the community, area, province and country where the business is situated.Lifetime Achiever Award
An entrepreneur who has, over the years, shown fortitude and strength in the entrepreneurial arena, and developed a business that has size, longevity and profitability.Innovator of the Year
An entrepreneur who has the ability to:- Reinvent the way business is done in his/her industry; and/or
- Be innovative in the product or service being offered to the market; and/or
- Finds a way of drawing the best qualified and technical people in the industry and keeping them because of creating a special environment where employees can flourish.