Celebrate International Women\’s Day with the African Diaspora Network


The African Diaspora Network, in honor of International Women\’s Day invites you to celebrate, share aspirations and challenges, as the times we are living in require us to intentionally choose unity over division and hope over despair, for only when we are united can we overcome challenges.

Dr. Copeland-Carson will open the session with a keynote address on her journey and a call to action. Then, we will go into a deeper conversation based on the“U.N. for Women\’s International Women\’s Day 2019 Theme: Think equal, build smart, innovate for change.”

  • As innovators and industry leaders, how are we game-changers in our communities?
  • How do we keep evolving as 21st century women?
  • How do we open opportunities for ourselves and others?
  • How do we identify our own dreams and inspire those around us?
  • How do we inspire transformative innovation in our society?
  • What are the innovative ways we can advance and empower women and our communities?
  • What barriers do we want to remove for women and girls?

Join us as we celebrate a future where innovation creates opportunity and advancement for women and girls!

WHEN: Saturday, March 9 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

WHERE: Yosemite Event Space

Register for the event here: ADN 2019

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