Based on its experience with women business owners around the world, Vital Voices has launched the VV GROW Fellowship Program, a one-year competitive program to support growth-oriented women business owners to take their businesses and leadership to the next level. The program supports women-owned enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa, to set and achieve business growth goals with a unique blend of online learning, in-person training, and tailored support services.
The one-year program timeline consists of 4 components:
- A competitive participant selection process and business needs assessment
- Online preparatory sessions with Harvard Manage Mentor and Vital Voices advisors before the training, that guide program participants in drafting a business plan that they will refine throughout the training
- A 4-day, in-person regional training
- An opportunity to access follow-on services such as technical advising, webinars featuring technical experts, business to business opportunities, mentors, and small grants
- Implemented at the regional level, the program is localized to ensure that the program is applicable to women business owners and the business environments in which they operate.
Who can apply?
Vital Voices is seeking applications from women business owners from Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa, who:
- Own a businesses that has been in operation for at least 3 years,
- Employ at least 3 staff (including temporary and/or seasonal workers), and
- Generate at least USD $40,000 in annual sales
As an interested applicant, you:
- Are motivated to build the skills and make the changes needed to grow your business,
- Are excited to participate in a one year program including on-line and in-person training and access to business growth opportunities, and
- Recognize the value of and participate in the tracking of the growth of your business for up to 3 years through methods such as surveys, calls, or additional opportunities.
The application deadlines are:
Africa: Sunday, March 2, 2014
Latin America/Carribean: Sunday, March 2, 2014
MENA: Saturday, March 15th, 2014
Learn more here: