Know someone who is changing the world?

The Tech Awards is now accepting applications for 2013. The Tech Awards is a signature program of the Tech Museum, an international awards program that honors innovators from around the world who are applying technology to benefit humanity.

In 2013, Tech Awards will honor 10 international innovators who are applying technology to confront humanity’s most urgent challenges. The Tech Awards honors individuals, non-profit organizations, and for-profit companies who are using technology to significantly improve human conditions in 5 awards categories. The technology used can be either a new invention or an innovative use of an existing technology.

This year, the categories include: Environment, Education, Young Innovator (under 27), Health and Economic Development. Cash prizes of $75,000 and $25,000 will be awarded in each category plus the participants will have access to mentors, funders, media and former laureates.

Click here to apply:

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