The AWP Network at ECOSOC

The African Women Power (AWP) network attended the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) youth forum to discuss ideas on how to solve the youth employment crisis. \”Young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than adults and over 75 million youths worldwide are looking for work.\”  In Nigeria alone, there are  68 million jobless youths. This conference was attended by many youth leaders from various parts of the world.



Conversations focused on:

(1) public – private partnerships: advocacy and collaboration with government and civil society leaders that can work together to create the right set of policies and get the ball rolling in the right direction.

(2) Accessibility to entrepreneurial and vocational training, apprenticeships, and formal education.

(3) Green and Sustainable development: how do we create \”green jobs?\”  and what does \”clean energy\” mean for the developing world.

We can only hope that through the sharing of ideas,  a credible global network, and coordinated interventions, we will create solutions.






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